Barack Obama?

He spent a few years in the state legislature, during which he voted present for all the important votes (180 in total), too cowardly to put his stamp on any position. He's so concerned about being a consensus-builder (also known as pandering or kissing up) that he hasn't the integrity to make tough choices.

He spent less than two years in The U.S. Senate before deciding that his "experience" made him the best choice to make a run for the most important leadership position in the world. While George W. Bush may have set the bar underground with his disastrous presidency, this doesn't mean that Americans should accept that the office of President of the United States doesn't require extensive, rigorous experience. The Presidency is not a position that can afford its holder to gain on-the-job experience. What's Obama going do in his first year? Don't believe a word he says...he's going to be learning the job for at least a year. Americans can't afford a novice at the reins.

Obama is a bright, charismatic man. He has a great future as a leader of this the Senate or the Cabinet or at other high levels of the government. But in 2008, Barack Obama is not qualified to be President of the United States of America.

Check out these fine candidates:

Hillary Clinton

John Edwards

Chris Dodd

Joe Biden

Bill Richardson
(oh, who are we kidding? no link for him)

Dennis Kucinich

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